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The Williraye Studio Everyday Collection

Everyday Spring 2003 Williraye Collection

ww9002 Candle, Jar, gift, votive, Williraye Studio logo
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Poured Candle Jars Avg. 3" x 5-½" $14.50 (EACH) SOLD OUT
ww9001 Candle, Jar, gift, votive, Williraye Studio logo, crock
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Poured Candle Crocks avg. 4-¼" x 5-¾" $16.50 (EACH) SOLD OUT
ww9003 Candle, Jar, gift, votive, Williraye Studio crock
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Poured Candle Boxes 4-¾" x 5" Avg. $18.50 (EACH) SOLD OUT

Everyday 2003 Catalog
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