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The Williraye Studio Everyday Collection Spring 2003

ww2741 cat pulling wagon with girl and kitten pull toy, sunflower, bluebird, white cat, star, gray cat, wheels, pull toy, checkers, tabby, farm, country, rural, home spun, old fashioned
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Kitty Delivery 9" x 4-¾"
$37.50 SOLD OUT
ww1428 pig with cat riding on back pull toy, checkered quilt, blanket, tabby cat, bluebird, heart, wheels, wagon, bluebird, farm, country, unique, country living, rural, home spun
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Pig Pull Toy 5-½" x 5-¾"
$30.00 SOLD OUT
ww1429 sheep with goose riding on back pull toy, ohio star quilt, bluebird, heart, wheels, cart, checks, checker, checks, checkered quilt, checked quilt, blanket, americana, primitive, country, farm, country living, rural, home spun, innocent
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Sheep Pull Toy 5" x 5-½"
$30.00 SOLD OUT
ww1427 pull toy, cow with chickens and golden egg, tree quilt with triangles, quilted blanket, chicks, chicken, yellow, white, stripe, stripes, holstein, check, checkered, checks, wheels, geometric figures, triangle, triangles, whimsy, folk art, primitive, Williraye, caricature, americana, farm, country, country charm,  charming, rural, home spun, humor
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Who Laid The Golden Egg? 7-½" x 8-¼"
$45.00 SOLD OUT

Everyday 2003 Catalog
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