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The Williraye Studio Everyday Collection Spring 2003 of Cats

ww1317 cat in birdbath with birds and toy boat, sailboat, bluebird, polkadots, lawn, garden, stars
larger view
Playing It Cool 4" x 6"
$25.00 SOLD OUT
ww1318 cat laying in box with kittens, flag, orange, white, gray, tabby, bluebird, striped,  farm, country, rural, home spun, innocent, patriotic, american flag
larger view

Cat Nap? 5-¼" x 14"
$25.00 SOLD OUT

ww1320 cat with yarn, knitting needles, mitten, white, striped, tabby, tiger, star, check, checks, checkered, primitive, farm, country, charming, country living, rural, home spun, innocent
larger view
Knitten' Kitten 13-¼" x 13"
$20.00 SOLD OUT
ww1319 cat and birds playing with bird feeder, birdhouse, bluebird, heart, whimsical, Williraye, caricature, americana, primitive, farm, country, charming, country style,  rural, home spun, innocent
larger view
Everyone Needs A Home 4-¾" x 4-½"
$20.00 SOLD OUT
ww2751 cat with heart, check, checks, brown and tan checks, white cat, whimsical, Williraye, caricature, americana, primitive, farm, country, unique, country charm, charming, country style, country living, rural, home spun, innocent
larger view
I Love My Cat 8-¼" x 6-¼"
$20.00 SOLD OUT

Everyday 2003 Catalog
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