about mtb catalog studio


2004 Catalog of the Williraye Collection

Think Spring … 2004 — Williraye Studio Catalog

ww7116 Polka dotted bunny wall hanger
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Rabbit Wall Pegs, Resin, Hand Painted 7" x 3-½" x 11-¾"
$ 23.00 SOLD OUT
ww7501 Boy all dressed up riding large bunny pull toy
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Sunday Best, Resin, Hand Painted $ 55.00 Sunday Best 9-½" x 4" x 9"
$ 55.00 SOLD OUT
ww7502 Girl with basket riding chicken pull toy
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Egg Hunt, Resin, Hand Painted 6" x 4-½" x 7-½"
$ 33.00 SOLD OUT

Spring 2004 Catalog


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