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2004 Catalog of the Williraye Collection

Think Spring … 2004 — Williraye Studio Catalog

ww7406 Rooster pulling a cart filled by an Easter egg
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Pride of the Barnyard, Resin, Hand Painted, 6-¾" X 2-½" X 4" H
$ 32.00
ww7410 Bunnies and carrots on picture frame
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Gardening Bunnies Frame, Holds A 4" X 6" Photo, 7" x ½" x 10-¼" [EGG NOT INCLUDED]
$ 17.00 SOLD OUT
ww7405 Boy holding a large bunny topped carrot and watering can
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Miracle Growth, Resin, Hand Painted, 5 ½" X 5" X 6-¾" H
$ 37.00

Spring 2004 Catalog
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