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Montana Teddy Bears Williraye Studio Collection

Catalog List of Midyear - 2002
Item # Description Size Style Note Price
WW9001 Poured Candle Crocks 4-¼" x 5-¾" avg A. Sunflower SOLD OUT $ 15.00
B. Bunny (EACH)
C. Sprinkling Can
D. Chicken
WW9002 Poured Candle Jars 3" x 5-½" A. Cat SOLD OUT $ 16.50
B. Sunflower (EACH)
C. Lady bug
D. Sprinkling Can
WW9003 Poured Candle Boxes 4-¾" x 5" Avg. A. Cats SOLD OUT $ 18.50
B. Chickens (EACH)
C. Jumping Rope
D. Wheelbarrow
WW2388 Hold On Tight, Gallery Edition 17-¼" x 13-¾" SOLD OUT Limited Edition 5,000 $ 100.00
WW2391 The Snow Triplets 4" x 5" Avg. A. Sam SOLD OUT $ 52.50 Set
B. Oliver
C. Doug
WW2390 Dreaming of Christmas 9" x 11" SOLD OUT $ 55.00
WW2389 A Little Holiday Decorating Pull Toy 9-½" x 10-¼" SOLD OUT $ 55.00
WW2392 Precious Treasures Tea Light 14" x 7-½" $ 80.00
WW6014 Halloween Magic 5-¼" x 8" AVAILABLE IN RETIRED $ 35.00
WW6011 Ready for the Big Day 3-¾" x 10" SOLD OUT $ 27.50
WW6013 Midnight Flight 5-¾" x 8-½" SOLD OUT $ 27.50
WW6012 Scaring Up Fun 4-½" x 7-½" SOLD OUT $ 27.50
Item # Description Size Style Note Price

www willirayecollection.com

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