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2005 Catalog of the Williraye Collection


Witch Ornaments
Set of 3
Resin, Metal, Hand Painted, Hand Crafted
3-½" x ¼" x 6"H Avg
$36.00 SOLD OUT

Kiddie Cat Ornaments
Set of 3
Resin, Metal, Hand Painted, Hand Crafted
4-½" x ¼" x 6"H Avg.

WW6047 A little bug in costume - WW6044 Witch on a spider on a pumpkin
Itsy Bitsy Spider [L]
Along Came a Spider [R]
larger view

Itsy Bitsy Spider
Resin, Metal, Hand Painted, Hand Crafted
5-½" x 5-½" x 4-½"H

Along Came a Spider
Resin, Metal, Hand Painted, Hand Crafted
5" x 5" x 10"H

Halloween 2006 Catalog
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