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The 2002 Williraye Collection Catalog

Gallery Edition
ww2382 Christmas, Polar Bear, Snowman, Candy cane larger view
WW2382 Bear-Run Gallery Edition
17-¼"x 8"
Gallery Edition Limited Ed. 5000
$80.00 SOLD OUT
ww2359 Christmas, Ice Skating Snowman, Snowman, Ice-skates, Bluebirds
larger view
Snowman Dreams
11" x 12-½"
ww2357m Christmas, Snowman, Musical, Skater, Ice skates, music box
larger view
Winterland Magic - Musical Plays "Winter Wonderland"
11" x 12-½"
$65.00 SOLD OUT
ww2384 Christmas, Snowman, Skater, Baby, Snowflake
larger view
Our First Skate
6" x 7"
$30.00 SOLD OUT
ww2281 Christmas, Snowman, Snowshoes, Purple
larger view
Winter Frolic
6-½" x 7-½"
$30.00 SOLD OUT
ww2282Christmas, Snowman, Snowshoes, Bluebird
larger view
Friends Discovered
7" x 6"
$30.00 SOLD OUT

Christmas 2002 Catalog
Midyear 2002 Catalog
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