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2004 Catalog of the Williraye Collection

Everyday 2004 — Williraye Studio Catalog

Farmer's Market

ww7607 Country girl riding in cart with flag and sunflowers pulled by rooster
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Farm Buggy, Resin, Metal, Hand Painted, Hand Crafted, 11" X 4" X 7" H
$50.00 SOLD OUT
ww7605 Girl pulling a pea pod on star spangled wagon
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Bumper Crop, Resin, Metal, Hand Painted, Hand Crafted, 9-½" X 3" X 5" H
$ 27.50
ww7604 Girl with a shovel and a bag of carrot seeds
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First Time Gardener, Resin, Hand Painted, Hand Crafted, 3-½" X 2" X 3" H
$ 17.50

Everyday 2004 Catalog
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