about mtb catalog studio


The Folk Art of Bobbe and Jeff Punzel-Schuknecht—a.k.a. Williraye Studio.

Williraye Studio is the combined talents of Jeff and Bobbe Punzel-Schuknecht. The name Williraye is derived from combining Jeff's middle name "William" with Bobbe's "Raye."

Jeff hand carves each piece from clear basswood, while Bobbe painstakingly applies the final paint and finish. Each piece in the Williraye Collection has been carefully cast in the highest quality resin, and painstakingly hand painted to retain the look and feel of the originals.

the artists in their Williraye Studio
Bobbe and Jeff Punzel-Schuknecht in their studio.

The Williraye Studio Farmstead » | 1| 2 | 3 |


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